Write in the Sonlight

Where an aspiring writer shares snippets of life,
lessons of grace, and stories of hope.

About Me

I grew up on a farm in southwest Colorado. The term "poor as church mice" could well describe my family in those early years. But hard times often foster a strong work ethic, close family ties, and a love for the simple things in life.

Although faith in Christ didn't come in those early years, I always knew there was a God who loved me. My search for a true understanding of that God led to my conversion during my senior year in high school.

I graduated from college in 1970 and married my college sweetheart the next day. During the past forty years, we've stayed busy with church activities, raising three wonderful kids, teaching school (28 years each), and running a farm together.

My love of writing began in high school, and my first efforts were directed at creating poetry pieces. After our children were born, I wrote children's stories... and even submitted a couple. I received two nice rejection letters and decided I really couldn't afford to write for a living.

Thus began my teaching career: 28 years as an early childhood teacher, and around 25 as a Sunday School teacher. In 2005, I retired from public schools. I left my Sunday School post two years later, declaring my intentions to write.

These days, I write, share, and pray that God will use my efforts for His glory.